Welcome to

the unofficial
Max Webster
concert archive

My book on Max Webster called "High Class" is available for purchase. It's a 12" x 12" full colour 400-page coffee table book telling the band's story like never before, with hundreds of previously unseen photos ranging from the pre-Max days in the 1960s to their final reunion in 2007. It was produced in collaboration with most of the band members and is endorsed by Kim Mitchell. The Toronto Star and Alan Cross reviewed it shortly after its release. You can purchase your copy at highclassmax.com.

"This is an extremely well done history of Max Webster's journey from start to finish ! Congratulations Bob !!!" Kim Mitchell

"You did such an amazing job on the book. I can't thank you enough." Paul Kersey

"The book is a MASTERPIECE!!! I can't get my head around the amount of work you put into pulling all this information together." John de Nottbeck, producer of A Million Vacations

"I'm speechless at the amount of research. With each page I'm astounded with your journalism." Robert "Fuzzy" Frazer, monitor mixer for Max Webster in 1980/81

"This is really, really good. I'm such a big fan of somebody doing something to preserve Canadian music history, and it is just jammed with stuff. If you're a fan of Max Webster, and you can't really be a music fan if you're not, pick up this." Alan Cross, radio broadcaster and music historian

The release party was a resounding success! You can read my take on it here.

This website is the most complete chronicle of the shows performed by Max Webster over their 35 year history.

No profit is made from this website; it is for entertainment only. I claim no ownership over any of the pictures or material besides my text, and have indicated credits wherever possible. If you are a professional photographer and wish for your pictures to be removed - or perhaps even linked to a website where prints can be purchased, or something of the like - please contact me and I'll be happy to oblige.

And if you feel you have anything you'd like to add to this website (particularly if it's related to a show you saw, especially if you took photos or recorded the band), please feel free to get in touch.

Check out the shows!