
Max Webster - unique, quirky, excellent musicianship, and ultimately accessible.

And many of us don't realize how big they were. They played the big arenas, and all of their records went at least gold. Countless Canadians between the ages of 50 and 70 will tell you they saw Max play at their high school, a bar in the early days, a theatre like Massey Hall, or headlining a place like Maple Leaf Gardens at their peak.

This website aims to chronicle all of those dates. The story goes that Max Webster played every bar in Toronto and nearly every high school in Ontario in the mid '70s before breaking into the theatres and arenas. They soon shared the bill with many of the top acts of the day (like Rush, Rainbow, Genesis, and Blondie), making it possible for me to research plenty of the dates via those avenues. What we have here is the most complete picture of their touring schedule ever assembled, along with anecdotes, ticket stubs, pictures, newspaper clippings, or anything else of value.

Much of what's on this website is material I've collected throughout about a decade of internet travels and meeting/speaking with people who saw the band. I've credited contributors wherever possible, but of course there are (and probably forever will be) gaps to fill. So please get in touch if I'm using something of yours and you would like to be credited.

On a more personal note - I knew Max Webster before I knew The Beatles, Queen, or any remotely popular music. It was my uncle's music of choice to indoctrinate me with. I was about ten. This is what I learned music could be - such high standards to be set at this ever impressionable age. Fifteen years later I was lucky enough to attend the final Max Webster reunion show in 2007 -the one and only time I saw them. Tickets were more valuable than gold, and I'll be forever grateful to the friend who scored me one.

But it wasn't just the albums that drew me in. A cassette I found at a record show around 1999 sparked an insatiable curiosity in me. It was a concert recording from 1977 containing a song that wasn't on a Max Webster album. It made me realize that there was a plethora of Max music yet to hear. It was the best $5 I've ever spent in 20 years of collecting music. That tape ignited a fire in my belly, and two decades later this website is the result.

Thanks to all those who have contributed, namely: Juan Alemparte, Eddie Allen, Pete Wulfman Arbour, Andy Babiak, Samir Baijal, Danny Bailey, Robin Bailey, Steve Baker, Storm Baker, Jim Barber, Greg Barnes, Jimmy Barnes, Chris Barnett, Tim Barrie, Paul Bauer, Dave Beatty, Philippe Beaucue, Morpheus Blak, Arthur Bucky Blarr, Phil de Blois, Gary Boole, Daniel Boss, Jim Bossier, John Bowen, Jonathan Boyd Peter Bradfield, Cam Bredvig, Clifton Broadridge, Mark Brocklehurst, Pat Brooks, Paul Brouse, Chris Budgeon, Ginny Buell, David Burcsik, Ken Burk, Ken Butterworth, Dave Bush, Rob Byfield, Terry Calder, David Cameron, Brian Carlson, Maribeth Chabot, Parag Chakravarti, Doug Chase, Jim Chevalier, Johnny Chiarelli, Dennis Cici, Sal Cincotta, Mark Clacy, Kevin Clark, Craig Collett, Gord Collins, Todd Cook, Paul Corner, Carole Courtemanche, Paul Coxon, Mike Cummings, Andrew Cuttler, Don Dale, Brett Davidson, Rob Davidson, Geoffrey Davis, Terry Davis, Keith Dawes, George Demeduk, Jean-Francois Deraps, Gregg Derrett, Jason Dionne, Victoria Dobbs, Mark Doble, Dawn Douglas, Pete Dove, Stevie Duda, Buzzy Dudley, Brian Durkin, Olsen Dyer, Susan Farnham, Ed Feeney, Scott Feeney, Dave Felice, James L. Ferraro, Mark Ferreira, Andre Filippetti, Debbie Fleming, Sean Flemming, Michael Flood, John Forgie, Chuck Foster, Ronnie Frey, Marc Friedlander, Donald Gadziola, Richard Galbraith, Giselle Gallie, Ian Gelb, Doug Gingerich, Dominic Giovinazzo, Kevin Golem, Terry Gomes, Don Goodman, Paul Goodman, Glen Gordon, Tom Gordon, Stephen Greenaway, Michael Grivich, Robert Gronfors, Glen Guerin, Rob Gunn, Gary Gurniak, Jeph H, Johan Hagman, Erick Hall, John Hamilton, Eric Hansen, Tony Hansen, Patrick Harbron, Don Hare, Mark Harrington, Jennifer Harris, Linda Don Harrison, Kevin Hayes, Trevor Heidebrecht, Chris Henry, Mary Henry, James Hicks, Simon Hicks, Steve Hicks, Dave Hinch, Greg Hill, Paul Hodgson, Paul Hoffman, Daryl Holton, Ron Hoover, Robert Hould, Kevin Hulme, Al Humphry, Cindy Hurczak, Mike Hurley, Joe Ianniello, Michael Insuaste, Peter Ioannidis, Gord Isnardy, Jim Kelly, Paul Koprla, Michael Jaeger, Richard Janik, Carla Jensen, Bunny Johnston, Art Johnstone, Phil Jones, Rick Jones, John Joyce, Gary Justice, Tony Karol, Margaret Kastner, John Kearns, Mark Donald Kent III, Sean Kilbride, Gordon Kim Cowie, John Kinney, Leanne Klassen, Eric Klein, Kevin Kletersteeg, David Klimek, Patrick Komadoski, Peter Kornherr, Raimo Kurppa, Maury Kryst, Dave Kurek, Lise Labrosse, Gregg Lamarsh, Mark Lampka, Robyn Landers, Martha Lauzon, Bruce Lawrence, Tina Laybolt, Des Leahy, Rob Leas, Alfred Dominic Ligammari II, Al Little, Ian Little, John Lockhart, Jane Luk, Brad Luke, Steven Lyles, Michael MacDonald, Brian Macgowan, David MacMillan, John MacMillan, Dave MacStravick, Mark Madden, Chip Madinger, Brian Maguire, Frank Manoryk, Tony Marshall, Chris Martin, Jeffrey Martin, Henry Martinuk, Phil Mary, Dave Mason, Michael Mayer, Scott Mayfield, Arnie McBay, John McCarthy, Bruce McEwen, Craig McKenzie, Jim McNally, Kenneth McNally, Colin Mellor, Dave Meraska, Bruce Metcalfe, Richard Millen, Charles Miller, Max Miller, Gerry Miskolczi, Tim Mitra, Yves Monast, Dan Monkey, Jeff Mono, Michele Moranne, Mark Morgenstern, Marc-a Morin, Eddy Morris, Mike Morris, Miles Morris, Terry Morris, Ian Morrison, John Morrow, Kevin Moyle, Cheri Murphy, Monica Murphy, Martin Murray, Tom Myklevik, Ken Newton, Dan Northey, Kate Oke, Robert Oswin, Neil Park, John Patuto, David Michael Perich, Steve Perry, Joe Pesch, Tom Peterek, Martin Popoff, Gabriel Porter, Mark Potvin, Dave Power, Kevin Pownall, Scott Prankie, Roger Psutka, Jody Pula, Rob Purdon, James Ralston, Pekka Ranta, Alan Reid, Bob Reid, Robert Reid, Tim Rempel, Mike Rewegan, Vince Ricci, Ben Richardson, Marc Riendeau, Mal Roach, Chris Robinson, Scott Rogers, Brian Rose, Linda Ross, Les Roth, Larry Rudolph, Sebastian Salm, George Saxon, Les Schelling, Brian Schneider, Doug Schober, John Seifert, Rod Sein, Dan Shadoff, Keenan Sheppard, Adam Sherban, Mane Sierra, Ian Simpson, Randy Smissaert, Geoffrey Smith, Ross Smith, Todd Snelgrove, Gino Del Sole, Steve Stafford, John Stefanski, Darryl Sterdan, Brian Stewart, Ken Stewart, Michael Stewart, Robert Stewart, Sandy Stiel, Gerald St. Jean, Peter Stieler‎, Doug Stinson, Doug Stock, David Succamore, Chris Surdykowski, John Swainson, Gary Tate, Mitch Taylor, Jeff Therrien, Randy Thuro, Wes Thuro, Romano Del Tin, Gary Topp, Louis Torro, Mike Tremaglio, Richard Tremblay, Norm Tschesne, Chris Turner, Rick Tyrrell, Benjamin Upham, Manny Valadas, Richard Valois, Douglas VanDuzer, Ronald Vaughan, Harry van der Veen, Mike Walker, Colin Wallace, Dan Walsh, Dave Watt, John Watt, Brian Watters, Ray Wawrzyniak, David Webster, Matt Weingarden, Steven Wells. George West, Debbie Wheeler, Paul Wheeler, Harold Whitehead, Paul Whiteside, Roy Widing, Derrick Wigney, Merv Williams, Ron Williams, Peter Williamson, Dave Wormald, Brian Wormington, Philip Wright, Dennis Yee and Martin Zielinski.

Immeasurable gratitude also goes out to Kim Mitchell, Pye Dubois, Terry Watkinson, Mike Tilka, Gary McCracken, Dave Myles, Paul Kersey, Jim Bruton, Terry Brown, Mark Wright, John de Nottbeck, David Greene, Jack Richardson, and everyone else who contributed to the creation of this wonderful art that stands alongside the best rock music ever written.

Enjoy the website ! And don't hesitate to contact me if you have something to add.

This website is running on PHP, coding by Jerry van Kooten, using the Parable framework. All content by Bob Wegner. Copyright of photos mentioned on the pages themselves.


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