Saturday 29 November 1980
Winnipeg Arena, Winnipeg, MA


  • Kim Mitchell : Vocals/Guitar
  • Gary McCracken : Drums
  • Mike Gingrich : Bass
  • Steve McMurray : Guitar
  • Greg Chadd : Keyboards


  • Walter Rossi

Partial Setlist

  • Check
  • Paradise Skies
  • Lip Service
  • Gravity
  • Blue River Liquor Shine
  • What Do You Do With The Urge
  • Battle Scar
  • Hangover


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Fan Stories

George Demeduk

The Nov 80 show was the Juveniles band with Walter Rossi warming them up-great bill man!!! I had floor seats and I really missed Terry on this tour. The band were fantastic but they were lacking Terry. There's a looooong story involving this show as I happened to be staying at the Holiday Inn that Max were staying at. After the show an entourage of a couple dozen of us hit the hotel. I was fired up and couldn't possibly sleep so I was wandering the hotel with my girlfriend at the time. Somehow, I ended up talking to a staff member who told me Max were there too and I really freaked out and HAD to meet at least Kim and Gary. Next thing I know, I don't remember how, I'm looking at Max's rooming list!!! I see Kim and Gary were rooming together which was perfect. Now, at this point I was much too shy to go banging on their door, so I just went upstairs to their floor and walked up n down the hall in hopes of running into one of them. My girlfriend is with me and she thinks I'm completely nutz but I don't give a shit. I'm 13yrs old and on a mission. So, I ask her to knock on the door and stand there for me because I figured a hot blonde will get the door to open much faster than I could, even tho she was only 14yrs old! She said not a chance, so we head back down to the lobby to ponder our next move, or MY next move I should say.

We walk into the lobby and all of a sudden I see this incredibly long-haired dude with little glasses and knee high boots sitting on one of the couches, just kicking back relaxing. It's GARY M!!! I'm freaking now. I'm too shy to say anything so I sit down on a nearby couch with my girlfriend and just stare at him. I'm trying to muster up the courage to go talk to him but unable to do it. He glanced over at us a couple times and I tried to look really cool and calm! So we're sitting there for a good half hour or so, then Gary gets up and heads towards the elevators. I'm like FUCK!!! It's now or never!! Now, my memory gets a little iffy here—I remember talking to Gary at the elevator and then later on he ended up on the couches again (apparently Kim had a couple "guests" in their room that night and Gary just wanted peace and quiet and that's why he ended up back in the lobby) and we spoke for a while at that point. He was incredibly kind to me. I tried to tell him how much Max and his drumming meant to me—him and Peart were my idols for many years.

After talking with Gary I got really brave and decided I'm going up to Kim's door and I'm gonna ask him to sign my shirt and I wanna shake his hand. So, my girlfriend and I leave Gary alone, as he was actually crashing out on the couch in the lobby, then head upstairs. We get outside the door and I'm nervous as shit. My girlfriend is totally embarrassed but I could care less. I hear voices through the door and I decide to knock. All of a sudden the voices stop. A few seconds later I hear Kim's voice "Yes?" I said, "hello Mr Mitchell, I'm a huge Max fan and I would love to meet you, shake your hand and get an autograph possibly." Silence. Nothing. Then he said, "slide it under the door." I reply, "it's too large and won't fit." I think he assumed an album or piece of paper. Again, silence. Then, all of a sudden the door flies open and there stands Kim, tall as fuck and larger than life. He's barefoot and wearing jeans and brown shirt unbuttoned. He looks really surprised to see me 13 years old standing there with my A Million Vacations Tour shirt I had got at the '79 show. I notice his company is 2 hot women seated at the table. I freeze and can barely speak—I can't remember exactly what was said but next thing I know, I'm turned around and he's signing the back of my shirt with me still wearing it in black perma marker. We exchange a few more words and I leave ecstatic, over the moon! I still have that shirt to this day and showed it to him in '96 and he laughed. The next morning at breakfast, our entourage, who came up from Kenora Ont to see the show and stay overnight, we head into the hotel restaurant and the entire band/crew were having breakfast and we all said hello and expressed how much we all loved the show. My mother actually sat right down next to Kim and Gary for a minute and had a chat. They were all incredibly patient and hospitable to us.