Thursday 23 June 1977
Kamloops Memorial Arena, Kamloops, BC


  • Kim Mitchell : Vocals/Guitar
  • Mike Tilka : Bass
  • Terry Watkinson : Keyboards
  • Gary McCracken : Drums


  • Styx

Ads and Posters

Fan Stories

Gord Isnardy

The house lights went down and the PA system announced "NO CIGARETTES, NO MATCHES!" We all booed and the stage lights came on with Kim bounding out to his microphone, with 3 cigarettes in his mouth!!! I remember he had a crazy foam sombrero that when he shook his head, he could change the brim from sides to front. We all became Max Webster fans for life! Years later, I met Kim at the local radio station to get the poster signed. As I uncurled it, he says "I remember that night, what a bunch of pompous assholes!"